
• BORN: 6-24-19 /Minnesota, USA/ •

NFO F 12 Black Shell Tortie



FIV – N/N; FeLV – N/N 3-21-2022 • PKD – N/N 1-29-2021 • HCM – N/N 1-12-2021 • GSDIV – N/N; PKdef – N/N 1-21-2020

Tortitude”! Like her friend, Birke, nothing phases Birna.  

She is the most easy going and friendly, yet brave cat when confronting new friends. She is imminently curious and unfazed by new sounds, voices or smells. Birna is playful and ALWAYS so attentive and loving. She is the fierce friend that picks you up when you most need support.

US* Vikingtails Birna, like her sister US* Vikingtails Katla, descends from generations of International (IC) and Grand International Champions (GIC). 

CH Birke (N)

Born: 4-03-18 /Wisconsin, USA/ • NFO N 09 Black and White

Our lovable “Big Boy”. In hindsight, we might have chosen to breed this affectionate friend of ours.

US* Forestdolls Birke is the quintessential NFC – a “dog-like” cat, following us around, ready for affection or play, always easy-going.

This is the typical Norwegian Forest Cat. He plays with his little sisters in good spirit, adores his people, catches snowballs, and is effortlessly a gorgeous curious fluffball.